The Community Kitchen has served those in need in Rome, Georgia, hot meals for more than fourteen years. It meets a severe need in Rome and has touched many lives. If you have never seen the Community Kitchen in action, I recommend stopping by and seeing what great work it does in the community.

LaTonya Burrell heads up the Community Kitchen. Her father is from Rome, and in 2006 she relocated here. She has been the director since October 2022 and has a heart for serving others through this organization.
While talking to LaTonya, I asked her what one thing she thinks the people of Rome may not realize but needs to be aware of. She said that being in this ministry has opened her eyes to the area’s great need and the large number of homeless people in Rome.
How the Community Kitchen Got Its Start In Rome, Georgia
Before the Community Kitchen opened, several churches in the downtown area were feeding the community. First Baptist of Rome, First Presbyterian of Rome, and First Methodist of Rome rotated the days they would serve meals. This could lead to confusion and people showing up at the wrong place on the wrong days. As their ministries grew, the need for a bigger space arose.
In January 2009, a group of gentlemen from each church came together, rented out the old Troy’s BBQ building, and later purchased it. Around 2015, a new building was built to serve meals adjacent to the old site. They turned the old area into a facility that offers a place to wash clothes and take showers.

The People Being Served
On average, 90-120 individual meals are served each day. Numbers vary depending on the weather. The weather significantly affects how many people come to the Community Kitchen. During the cold months or on rainy days, fewer people visit. During the warmer months, the number of meals served increases.
The Community Kitchen’s hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Lunch is served from 10:45 AM until 12:00 PM.
While the Community Kitchen serves many homeless people in our community, they also help food insecure people. This means they may have a home but not enough money for food for the entire month. It is a common misconception that if someone is on food assistance or they visit the food pantry, they have enough food for a month, but that isn’t true. The aid can only go so far, and inflation is an ongoing issue.
How The Community Kitchen Is Sourced
One question that many of us have is, where does the food come from? The Community Kitchen finds its support through donations. All of the food is donated. Contributions come from area schools, local restaurants, and can drives from local businesses and churches. Some items they need year-round are cream, sugar, coffee, napkins, and canned goods such as vegetables.

Money is their greatest need. The buildings are paid for (another God thing), but the cost of utilities and insurance is high. They have done many things to reduce overhead, such as purchasing reusable trays and cups, saving thousands of dollars a year.
A “Sing For Their Supper” fundraiser raises money every year in June. Individuals also raise money for specific needs for the Community Kitchen.
“Lend A Hand, Give A Can” is another fundraiser that will benefit The Community Kitchen. With Lend a Hand, Give a Can, the goal is straightforward; to give any canned goods you can provide. Not only will your donation help with the day-to-day operation of The Community Kitchen, but it will also help provide guests with the necessary building pantry items to have healthy meals at home.

The Importance Of Volunteers
This ministry is only possible because of volunteers. Volunteers come from churches, Community Kitchen’s Facebook page, and word of mouth. Volunteering sounds like you are signing up to work for someone else, but the reality is you are the one that receives the benefits. You will be the one that walks away blessed. I think that is why Jesus stressed the importance of serving others because he knew how much it would be a blessing to you.
Starting in March 2023, new volunteer orientation and training will occur on Saturdays. This is for people that are interested in volunteering and those that have been volunteering.
Ways To Give
If you want to give, your donations will be greatly appreciated. Here are some easy ways to donate.
- In front of The Community Kitchen, a sign informs the public of the week’s greatest need. You can ride by 4 Calhoun Ave NE, Rome, GA 30161, and also see the sign from North Broad.
- Donate items they need year-round: Produce, Protein, Laundry Detergent, Shampoo, and Conditioner.
- Mail a check to The Community Kitchen, 4 Calhoun Ave NE, Rome, GA 30161
- Give your time by volunteering
- Participate in “Lend A Hand, Give A Can” and “Sing For Their Supper” fundraisers.
Stay up to date by following The Community Kitchen on Facebook.
The Community Kitchen is such a wonderful ministry that fills a great need in our community.
For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you welcomed me. I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you visited me. I was in prison, and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’
Matthew 25:35-40
Read about Hope 4 Hearts, a non-profit ministry for single mothers in Floyd County, for more ways to serve our community.

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I have many friends that volunteer at the community kitchen one week of each month with their church. Two of them are 90+ old! Way to go!