About “When In Rome, Georgia”

Welcome To My When In Rome, Georgia!

My name is Erin, and I was born and raised right here in beautiful Rome, Georgia. I am a Christian, wife, mother of two, and step-mom of three. I am passionate about traveling and trying out new experiences and restaurants. I believe in supporting Small Business Owners of America.

Recently, my husband and I realized that our kids are getting older and ready to leave the nest. With that new phase of our lives opening up, we want to be able to fulfill some of our hopes and dreams by traveling the world. My husband was able to travel while serving 20 years as a Submariner in the US Navy, and now we want to travel together.

My journey of starting a blog began several years ago when my husband and I were on a cruise. After striking up a conversation with another couple, they asked where we were from. When we said Rome, Ga. I was prepared to explain where Rome was located in relation to more well-known towns. Instead, they got excited and told us they had vacationed here before. Vacationed? In Rome? This was something I hadn’t even considered! What would Rome have that might draw someone to consider it a “destination”? Since then, though, I have been thinking a lot about it and have discovered I may have taken my “small town” for granted.

Rome has a lot to offer locals and travelers alike. It is constantly changing and building, but through all of this change, the rich local historical areas are being preserved and promoted. I love to go into a restaurant or store and wonder what that building’s history consists of. I love to see new storefronts being created and see the original bricks that are exposed during that process. I love the structure and details adorning the tops of the buildings. I love the Clock Tower that stands like a sentry high above Broad Street that is surrounded by gorgeous, well-preserved, historic homes. I enjoy walking down Broad Street with my parents as they recall what each building used to be and how they shopped there when they were young.

It is my hope that this blog inspires you to visit and try out some of our favorite spots, and maybe they will become favorites of yours as well.

Rome Clock Tower on Neely Hill in Rome, Georgia
Rome Clock Tower on Neely Hill
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