Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia


Jackson Hill, one of the Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia, is located in the heart of Rome. I have been driving past it all my life. I only realized how interesting it was once I ventured there.

My journey of discovery started when I searched for the Labyrinth that I had just recently learned we had in Rome. It was just over the hill from the Civic Center and the Visitors Center. Labyrinths have been found throughout history. A labyrinth is a path like a maze that many people use for meditation by walking in a circular pattern toward the center. Once at the center, you stand on the rock and focus. When you begin your journey back toward the outside of the circle, you leave behind good energy for the next person to come along and absorb.

Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
The Labyrinth of Rome
Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Description of the Labyrinth

I stopped by the gift shop at Jackson Hill and took a quick look around. They have a large variety of specialty items, specifically from the Rome, Georgia, area. If you are visiting Rome, this is the perfect stop for treasures to remember your trip. And, yes, the caboose is part of the gift shop!

Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
The Last Stop Gift Shop. The best gift shop for all things Rome, Ga, has various items unique to Rome.
Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
The Last Stop Gift Shop. Clever use of RR Crossing Signs.

Across the parking lot from the gift shop are the starting points of several walking trails that lead to the reservoir at the top of the hill. Several pieces of old machinery, a log cabin, and two cannons are there to look at and read about. It even links the history of the machinery to present-day Rome.

This is a Cotton Gin that was used in Rome at one time.

Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Cotton Gin, Located on Jackson Hill
Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Sign at the Cotton Gin telling about its history.
Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Boswell Cabin, except for a new roof, is all original.
Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Boswell Cabin, Inside the Cabin looking towards the back.
Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
History of Boswell Cabin

Inside the Cabin is a map of the walking trails that begin and end at the location.

Next is a massive piece of machinery that is called a Lathe.

Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Machine Shop Lathe. This machinery used to be housed where present-day SouthEastern Mills is located.
Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
The Noble Machine Shop Lathe

It wasn’t until a few days later that I saw the sign at South Eastern Mills that told about the history of the Lathe and directed you to Jackson Hill and told more about how Rome was affected by the Civil War.

Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Sign at SouthEastern Mills about the Lathe

Corliss Steam Engine was once the highest technological advancement as a piece of machinery.

Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Corliss Steam Engine was a significant part of the “Industrial Revolution.”
Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Corliss Steam Engine

During my exploration, the cannons on top of Jackson Hill were the last thing I came to. While taking pictures in the 95 degrees Georgia heat, I was delighted that the grass was trimmed and neat until I reached the cannons. I am afraid of snakes, so I did not venture any closer to get better pictures of them. There are signs posted that tell of events during the Civil War and how Rome was a part of it.

Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Two Cannons sitting on top of Jackson Hill

If old pieces of machinery are of any interest to you, then this it’s a quick stop that will tell of the history of Rome through pieces of machinery, a cabin, and facts about what occurred during the Civil War.

For more information on Rome’s Seven Hills, check out The Seven Hills Of Rome, Georgia.

Visit The Last Stop Gift Shop in Rome, Georgia.

Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia
Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia

2 thoughts on “Jackson Hill, One Of Seven Hills In Rome, Georgia”

  1. Just trying to find a place to. Get married at and was just wanting to know is this a place where you can get married at

    1. Yes, the Rome Civic Center is a lovely place. I have never seen a wedding there but I have been to events, reunions and even a lecture there. It has a rock fireplace and a kitchen. Large open space with hardwood floors. It would definitely be worth your time to go by and check it out. Let me know what you think.

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