Amazing Ways To Celebrate The Fourth Of July In Rome, Georgia

The fourth of July celebrates our nation’s independence and is the perfect time to spend with family in friends. We know how to plan a Fourth Of July Celebration in Rome, Georgia.

While it may be that our summer weather in the south creates the perfect setting for a day at the lake, a pool party, or a family barbeque, the fact remains that I love getting together for the Fourth of July. I prefer the summer months to the colder weather, and a Fourth of July celebration is a great way to mark the middle of summertime in the south. In the area surrounding Rome, GA, we have plenty of places and ways to celebrate.

Fourth Of July Celebration In Rome, Georgia
Fireworks are a great way to celebrate the Fourth Of July In Rome, Georgia

Day At The Lake

From Rome, Ga, we have several lake destinations less than an hour away. Weekend lake trips are popular in our area because they are so convenient. Water activities such as boating, jet skiing, and fishing are trendy in Northwest Georgia. I remember my favorite times growing up were going to the lake to celebrate. Grilling out, swimming in the lake, taking boat rides, and shooting fireworks are all part of great childhood memories.

Fourth Of July Celebration In Rome, Georgia
A day on the lake is a favorite pastime.


It has been a long-standing tradition in Rome to shoot off fireworks at dusk on the Fourth of July. I have sat on the river bank many times and watched the fireworks show. It is always a lot of fun, and seeing the wonder on children’s faces as each blast bursts into sparkling trails is a sight.

Fourth Of July Celebration In Rome, Georgia
Firework displays are always fun.


Fourth of July would not be complete without grilling out. Favorite grilling fare traditionally means burgers and hot dogs, brats, steaks, pork barbecue, ribs, fish, and chicken. Oh! And don’t forget about those delicious sides. My husband usually spends a lot of time planning which meats we will have, and then he tries to make it extra special. On the other hand, I enjoy planning the side dishes to go along with the meats he chooses. Nothing brings family and friends together like food, and the Fourth of July is the perfect time to get together.

Fourth Of July Celebration In Rome, Georgia
Nothing brings a family together like good food.

Movies Under The Stars

A couple of years ago, we discovered that the 411-Drive In Theater in Centre, Alabama shoots off fireworks close to The Fourth of July. It was a fantastic experience. Nothing is better in the summertime than watching a movie on the big screen outdoors. There is something special about the Drive-In that takes us back to times gone by. To check times, movies, and events, visit

Fourth Of July Celebration In Rome, Georgia
Enjoying a summer favorite, watching movies at the Drive-In

Baseball Game

The Rome Braves know how to celebrate the Fourth of July in style! They have one of the most spectacular fireworks displays around. The firework shows are coordinated with scheduled ball games and the City of Rome’s firework display. You must have a ticket to the game if you want the best seat to view the fireworks. I highly recommend going to the game and staying for the show.

Take Me Out To The Rome Braves
Rome Braves Field

However you choose to celebrate this Fourth Of July, I hope everyone remembers why we celebrate and celebrate safely.

Fourth Of July Celebration In Rome, Georgia
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